Next Steps

Get Connected at Hastings Evangelical Free Church

Welcome to Hastings E-Free! When you visit a new church, you check out lots of things – is the preaching biblical? Is the worship meaningful? Are the nursery and bathrooms clean? (we all notice!) But those things aren’t enough because, after all, the church is people and God made you for community. So taking the next step beyond the Sunday morning worship service is essential. Here are three ways to take a next step:

  1. Attend a Welcome Breakfast. A couple times each year we gather to meet new people, learn more about what is going on at E-Free and eat!
  2. Try an Adult Bible Fellowship – this is our version of adult Sunday school. We have 6 groups that meet on Sundays 9:45-10:45 am.
  3. Join a Small Group – these are groups that meet throughout the week at various times to study the Bible, encourage one another and pray.

Matt Sass

Associate Pastor of Adult Ministries

Welcome Brunch

Experience good fellowship and good food while learning about what makes Hastings E-Free special.

Interested in learning more about our church? Fill out the form below!

Grow Together

Small Groups

Fellowship is a vital part of growing in your faith! We offer several small groups with varying goals. Contact the church office or fill out the form below if you are interested in getting connected with a group!



Ready to take the next step in your spiritual life? We are ecstatic that you’re ready! Fill out the form below or contact Pastor Matt to share your interest in being baptized!

Have questions about baptism? Call the church office at 402-463-1441 or chat with a pastor on Sunday morning!


Volunteer in Ministry

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:”  1 Peter 4:10

Sunday school teachers sit with kids during large-group teaching time and come prepared to lead a small group utilizing a lesson plan provided.

Join the Team >    

Help children learn God’s word on Wednesday nights (during the school year) through the AWANA Clubs program! Positions range from small group leader to kitchen helper.

Join the Team >

Keep toddlers entertained during Sunday morning services, Sunday School, and special events! Your help allows Mom and/or Dad to focus their own spiritual growth!

Join the Team >

Youth ministry helpers hang out on Wednesday nights (during the school year) with our students. Some helpers lead small groups, while others might just be there to keep things on track! 

Audio/Video technicians make sure the music and preaching is heard and seen with excellence and clarity! Streaming technicians provide a high-quality video production to congregants watching remotely.

Join the Team >    

For musicians and vocalists that are willing to give of their talents. If you sing and/or play any instrument including drums, bass, keyboard, acoustic/electric guitar or other, apply for the worship team! Application and no-pressure audition required.

Join the Team >

Ushers manage offering plates during the pass-the-plate section of our services!

Come help us welcome visitors at the door with a smile on Sunday morning by becoming a greeter!

Attendants needed for our Welcome Center! Help us answer the questions of visitors and seasoned congregants regarding the happenings within the church!

Are you a coffee aficionado? Looking for a place to serve the church? Search no longer! We need helpers to make coffee on Sunday morning!


If any of these positions are calling your name, contact the church office and we will get you connected!

Join our Beloved Ministry to assist the widows of our community with some of their needs. Teams of two people will be assigned a widow to work with one day per month. Tasks may include yard work, basic vehicle maintenance, and small home improvement projects. If this ministry interests you, please contact the church office.

Support grieving families by helping in the kitchen before, during, and/or after funeral luncheons!